When you think of your referral strategy, does it seem like you have exhausted all of your sources or you simply have no sources?
Developing a business based on referrals is not just important, but mandatory for a successful career in real estate.
The agent who ignores the need to promote business by referral may survive, but the reliability and quality of incoming leads will be severely compromised. Don’t fail your business.
Use this seven-part Referral Playbook to develop a solid foundation of best practices and habits for generating leads from referrals.
This workbook will force you to look at your current referral strategy with a critical eye and pinpoint holes in your system.
From here, you will be challenged to rebuild your strategy from the ground up by personalizing scripts, developing a brand, defining referral target markets, and getting creative with your delivery in person and on social media.
Download your interactive Referral Workbook below.